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Initiative Petition
SALEM –Signature verification for the 2018 petition cycle has been completed and the following measure numbers have been assigned to the legislative referral from the 79th Legislative Assembly and those petitions qualified to the November 6, 2018, General Election ballot. They are:
Measure 102
Referral 401 (HJR 201)
Amends Constitution: Allows local bonds for financing affordable housing with nongovernmental entities. Requires voter approval, annual audits
Measure 103
Initiative 37; determined to contain 119,744 valid signatures
Amends Constitution: Prohibits taxes/fees based on transactions for "groceries" (defined) enacted or amended after September 2017
Measure 104
Initiative 31; determined to contain 124,428 valid signatures
Amends Constitution: Expands (beyond taxes) application of requirement that three-fifths legislative majority approve bills raising revenue
Measure 105
Initiative 22; determined to contain 96,700 valid signatures
Repeals law limiting use of state/local law enforcement resources to enforce federal immigration laws
Measure 106
Initiative 1; determined to contain 117,799 valid signatures
Amends Constitution: Prohibits spending "public funds" (defined) directly/indirectly for "abortion" (defined); exceptions;
reduces abortion access
Additional information is available at www.oregonvotes.gov.