Many of us in the network were in Coquille this morning for the County Board of Commissioners meeting and it was electrifying.
The first agenda item was the Bandon Resolution and even with overwhelming opposition the BOC voted in favor of increasing the maximum indebtedness of Bandon’s Urban Renewal.
On the good side, this part of the battle is finally over. On the downside, we lost. However, we now get to use this issue to defeat Commissioner Messerle & Commissioner Parry.
When our people are out getting those petition signatures, we will get to tell everyone why and blame the two commissioners who put the county further into debt.
The next important issue on the BOC Agenda was the Structural Committee. This committee was created by the two previously mentioned commissioners, so they can change the organizational structure of county government. The first notable change is the creation of the County Manager position.
I call that the anointment of the County Czar, because he will be a bureaucratic attack dog designed to isolate the commissioners from any controversial issues. The County Manager will be used much like City Managers work for most cities, and I use the Bandon City Manager as a good example of this practice.
Well, the BOC decided to discuss the issue more thoroughly and they didn’t take any action on it today.
That brings us to the Bandon Marsh Expansion. The County Commissioners decided not to make any decision until they could review the resolution. I personally believe Parry is waffling on the issue and may support the expansion on certain level, but to what extent I can only guess.
Also, I want to thank all those wonderful people who spoke up and spoke out at the county meeting today. We were on the side of reason and any objective person who watches that meeting on tape would have to agree. You all were well spoken, and to the point.
Remember there is a meeting on Monday with Dave Hunnicutt from Oregonians in Action. He will be here to discuss a people’s initiative to control Urban Renewal. If anyone is up in Newmark on Thursday, the USFWS is having a meeting to discuss the Bandon Marsh Expansion. It’s a long drive, but it would be nice to have someone there to tell our side of the story.
Here are the links to this event:
TEA Party "Meet & Greet" w/Dave Hunnicutt from Oregonians in Action
Rob Taylor