EPA's proposed rule to drop the word "navigable" and redefine the "waters of the United States" (WOTUS) to include every occasionally damp ditch and puddle in the nation is a land grab of epic proportions.
Ron Arnold has fresh details at CFACT.org.
EPA thought it could slip this one by.
WOTUS? What's that? Water? Does that affect me?
Unfortunately for the big government crowd, people are catching on a lot faster than EPA would like. Farm Bureaus and organizations like CFACT have been working hard to get the word out.
Tens of thousands of people have signed and circulated CFACT's statement to the EPA. If you haven't had a chance yet, sign on today and circulate it to others. The public's chance to offer public comment closes in October.
Ron writes, "dumbfounding as WOTUS is, that’s not what makes this horror extraordinary. The fury ignited by WOTUS — an entry in the Federal Register that could easily be ignored as just another technical bureaucratic maneuver — is what’s remarkable: Where the rule says “water,” a substantial public correctly hears “land.” They get it. They really get it."
Obama's EPA has forgotten how our system works. Congress writes the laws. EPA's job is to faithfully administer them.
If our would-be bureaucratic masters never learned about "checks and balances" in school, it's up to you and me to teach them.
For nature and people too,
Craig Rucker
Executive Director
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