A very well written response from a Watchdog in Port Orford:
Vigilance is the price of freedom.
Firstly, Mayor Auborn's "Imagine a Corporation" (press release Summer 2013) referring to a a National Marine Sanctuary was insulting, loaded with inaccuracies, and it was intended to trick our community into support. I, for one, am no Lemming. Are you?
I am a Commercial Fisherman of 20 years, the Senior Port Commissioner, serving my second term at Port Orford, a member of the State of Oregon's Commercial Nearshore Fishery Advisory Committee, and a board member with the Southern Oregon Ocean Resource Council. I enjoy excellent relationships with multiple Oregon seafood commodity chairmen among many others, including 1) an Advisor to the National Marine Sanctuary at Monterey Bay 2) a Harbor Master with over 20 years serving within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. I humbly proclaim an understanding of National Marine Sanctuaries.
Mr. Bailey, from Salem, is a National Marine Sanctuary salesman. Mayor Aubornmet with Mr. Bailey on January 30th according to the Mayor's report. This meeting was prior to the February City Council meeting. The Mayor did not inform the Council of the pendingnomination, why not? I don't believe for an instant the two were doing anything other than going over their final plans, as the venue for the meeting was the office of a special interest group who strongly advocates a National Marine Sanctuary.
Mr. Bailey claims a National Marine Sanctuary would not affect fishing. Not a single Oregon Seafood Commodity Commission, Commercial, Recreational, or Charter Fishing Association supports a National Marine Sanctuary. He also claims a National Marine Sanctuary would have no authority beyond it's boundaries. This is simply not true. He suggests local control is not lost.That statement is laughable. Remember, P.O.O.R.T. is not funded locally. They are the voice of National Special Interest. Mr. Bailey continues unabashedly with his sales pitch. Don't buy it folks.Those who have, regret it. For more information, search the internet for the Alliance of Communities for Sustainable Fisheries, or go to ALLIANCEFISHERIES.COM then click on reports and get educated.I also recommend a web search for Kathy Fosmark's OPAC speech. (Oregon Policy Advisory Committee) These are real people who have lived the Sanctuary process at Monterey Bay.
On March 12, 2014 at the Pacific Fisheries Management Council (PFMC) Bob Bailey and the faceless group "Friends of Cape Blanco" presented their nomination, centered at Cape Blanco. The proposed Sanctuary ranges from New River, just south of Bandon to Rogue River Reef near Gold Beach, and westward 33 miles, a total area of 1340 sq. miles. This area should be expected to grow rapidly.
In closing, I would ask ALL citizens one question. Do you teach your children to cheat and deceive to achieve their goals? Of course not! It is not okay for our children, and it is not okay for our Mayor.
Relentlessly Yours,Brett Webb
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