The following is an email from the Oregon Water Enhancement Board. Inside it the agency spells out the new Budget Categories for Grant Applications. OWEB was a partner with the USFWS in the Bandon Marsh expansion and they partnered with ODFW on the Winter Lake project. The board is stacked with extreme environmentalists and give grants to all kinds of restoration projects. OWEB is tightly linked to the Coquille Watershed Association(CWA).....Rob T.
Streamlined Budget Categories
Reasons for Changes
With the passage of Constitutional Ballot Measure 76 in November 2010, certain grant costs are now eligible that were not allowed under the previous Measure 66. In addition, the Secretary of State Audits Division requested documentation to support fiscal administration costs in OWEB grants. These items, combined with the desire of grantees and OWEB for fewer budget categories, resulted in the streamlining of budget categories and changes to fiscal administration. OWEB worked with a stakeholder-based work group to develop these changes.
Highlights of Changes
The January 2014 Budget Categories Definitions and Policies will apply to grants submitted to OWEB after January 1, 2014 (except for small grants, effective July 1, 2014).
- The number of budget categories is reduced from 17 to 8.
- For Grant Administration, applicants will select one of three billing options: 1) Direct Cost Billing; 2) Direct Cost Allocation; or 3) Indirect Costs, only for grantees with a Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost rate. OWEB will not negotiate annual, individual indirect cost rates.
- Copies of receipts, invoices or supporting documentation for amounts $250 or more are required to be submitted with payment requests.
- Receipts under $250 must be kept on file. OWEB will select random closed grants and request the grantee to submit for review receipts that are under $250 (excluding indirect costs charged to Grant Administration), and timesheets and payroll reports (to support salaries/wages benefits).
Training Dates
Monday, January 13, 1pm – 3pm
Join Link:
Dial-In: 1-888-850-4523
Passcode: 765985
Tuesday, February 11, 9am – 11am
Join Link:
Dial-In: 1-888-850-4523
Passcode: 765985
Tuesday, April 8, 1pm – 3pm
Join Link:
Dial-In: 1-888-850-4523
Passcode: 765985
All online trainings will be conducted through iLinc. A QuickStart Guide for participants can be found at
Courtney Shaff
Grant Program Coordinator
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
775 Summer St. NE
Salem, OR 97301-1290
phone: 503-986-0046
fax: 503-986-0199
[email protected]
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