OWEB invites you to provide feedback and participate in a discussion on the proposed direction for its Long-Term Investment Strategy for Conservation. OWEB’s Board will consider public input prior to making a decision, currently planned for the June 2013 Board meeting.
Feb. 20, 2-5 pm Best Western, Agate Beach, 3019 N. Coast Hwy, Newport
Feb. 21, 2–5 pm Salem Convention Center, 200 Commercial Street SE, Salem
Feb. 25, 3– 6 pm Douglas County Fairgrounds, 2110 Frear Street, Roseburg
Feb. 26, 2– 5 pm Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 NW Rippling River Ct, Bend
Feb. 27, 2– 5 pm Sunridge Inn, 1 Sunridge Lane, Baker City
Feb. 28, 2– 5 pm Pendleton Center for the Arts, 214 N Main St, Pendleton
Mar. 12-13 Board Meeting Salem
The proposed direction for the strategy at-a-glance
Proposed Direction for OWEB's Long-Term Investment Strategy
for Conservation (PDF)
Listening Session Agenda (PDF)
OWEB---Watershed Council Support Update
OWEB---Restoration, Water Acquisition and Technical Assistance applications
OWEB---Proposed Direction for OWEB's Long-Term Investment Strategy for Conservation
OWEB---Post Listening-Session Survey Available
Subject: CWA meeting recap and information
Oregon Water Resource Commission approved the Integrated Water Resource Strategy
2010 Coastal Wetlands Grants
OWEB Listening Session Information & Agenda