Oregon GOP Chair Questions Gov. Brown Anti-Trump Group, Source of Financing Asks if Kate Brown really thinks Oregon voters elected her Governor to play political games?

Wednesday 02/01/2016–3:30 PM PT
Contact: ORP Communications Director
Wilsonville, OR – Oregon Republican Party Chairman Bill Currier issued a statement on Wednesday in response to media reports that Oregon Governor Kate Brown had formed a “Trump Resistance Team”. Currier said that Brown’s “social action team” threatens to further divide our nation, and suggested that the Governor prefers playing political games instead of devoting herself to solving pressing problems here in Oregon. Currier also raised questions about the motivation and funding of Brown’s new campaign.
“This kind of rhetoric by a sitting Oregon Governor is inflammatory, divisive, and unprecedented. We have enough problems coming together in America without elected officials wasting time fanning the flames. The voters have spoken, and public opinion polls show general approval of President Trump’s actions so far. Governor Brown risks being left on the fringes of our society, instead of being considered a bipartisan thought leader. With mounting long term debt, state spending ballooning out of control, transparency and corruption issues, pressing transportation needs, and economic development challenges, does Kate Brown really think Oregon voters elected her Governor to play political games?”
"You also have to wonder about the origin and funding of this campaign," cautioned Chair Currier. “We’ve seen many recent examples of Governor Brown’s public policies and political motives being shaped and funded, in whole or in part, by out of state billionaires like Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and George Soros - along with in-state billionaire Win McCormack. It’s high time Oregon voters reject the extremist agenda of these hyper-rich cronies and leave the governing of Oregon to Oregonians.”
"I have to remark at the irony of this report," added Currier. "Kate’s email to supporters reads, in part, ‘Now, more than ever, we must bring communities together to resist in a divided nation.’ Yet this call to action urges her progressive activist supporters to come together to divide people. Not exactly a “uniting” approach. Past elected officials have always tried to find a way to work with a President of the opposite party, even up through President Obama’s administration. It’s time for Democrat Leaders to stop whining, get to work, and find areas of common ground with President Trump, to accomplish the important business of our state and nation."
Currier also took note of the hashtag games being played, saying, “The #teamkate hashtag is interesting, if a bit short sighted. A quick twitter search by a social media professional - or even an amateur - would have revealed that it has already been taken. Let’s hope Governor Brown does nothing more to revive the other hashtag she was known for - #korruptkate.”
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The Oregon Republican Party is the state’s arm of the Republican National Committee. It’s Chairman and officers are dedicated to promoting Republican principles within the state of Oregon and to improving the lives and livelihoods of Oregon’s working families through economic freedom and equal protection under the law.
Kevin Hoar
Oregon Republican Party
Communications Director
Email: [email protected]
Website: Oregon.GOP
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oregonrepublicanparty/