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Senate Second Reading
Session Details for Wednesday, February 12, Third Reading February 13
SB 1538 Text of bill
Allows school district board to place limitations on proposals for public charter schools that board will evaluate if specified percentage of students of school district are enrolled in public charter schools and specified number of public charter schools are located in school district.
SB1538 "allows districts to severely and arbitrarily limit or refuse to even consider proposals for new public charter school proposals" Link to TTV
Personal Choice
limits freedom of parents to choose their preferences in schooling by allowing school districts the power to refuse to consider charter school proposals.
Fiscal Responsiblity
allows districts to deny the opening of charter schools which cost less to run per pupil than the districts.
Limited Government
gives school districts the power to refuse to hear proposals from parents and charter school operators that don't meet the district's arbitrary goals (invented goals which don't apply to the district's schools)
Local Control
97% of the parents can be denied the right to make charter school proposals that meet their needs rather than the district's "goals."
Free Markets
restricts the ability to create a free market in K-12 education to a token 3% of the students. This proposal by Portland Public Schools, which has 4% of its student in charters already, would effectively end the growth of charter schools--while giving the appearance of simple altruism on the part of the district.
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