NANCY BROUHARD FUND-RAISER EVENT: North Bend Lanes, Tuesday, Aug. 28th, 6-8PM, $20 a plate.
Please join us for good food, a few short speeches and a relaxed get-together with friends.
Also, Nancy reports: "I spent the day in Florence yesterday (Saturday) working the door to door campaign. The Democrats have a headquarters on 101 already open! The Western Lane Republicans also have a flag waving, gathering at Duke Wells Wood furniture store (next to the Oregon Pacific Bank buildings) every Saturday from now until the election. They are prepared to register voters. There are lots of 'neat folks' at this event and Duke always has lots of Art's, Scott's, and my info and signs available. I guess it is an outdoor Republican headquarters of sorts."
Rick Hoffine
Asst Chapter Leader
Coos Co. AFP
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