The following article is great news for Oregon, and it reads like my own experience with the Bandon City Council. We are starting to win the battle against Government Economic Development or what should be called, "Economic Fascism". We need your help to get this legislation passed during this legislaive session. Please, contact your Senators and State Reps and telll them to support Bills that give the voter the control over Urban Renewal debt....Rob T.
Measures would keep voters involved
Tom Cordier says he was regularly “dismissed and thwarted” by the Albany City Council in his attempts to get officials to take better control of debt spending.
So the Albany resident decided voters should be put in charge of some of the city’s pursestrings.
And he was galvanized into action when he learned that Clackamas County had passed a measure in 2011 requiring voters to approve new urban renewal plans in unincorporated areas.
Update: Lake Oswego council could repeal Foothills urban renewal district:
Possible Nike site could be added to Enterprise Zone next week
Urban Renewal gone bad---read the stories
Coos Bay---New Information added to the Visitor's Center page...
Coos Bay---What's a measly $120,000 to $180,000 over 6 years, eh?
Coos Bay---Just a "Slight" Conflict of Interest Here. Or did ANYONE notice?
Coos Bay---Padding City of Coos Bay Salaries With Urban Renewal Tax Dollars
See the Cash Cow of Coos Bay----Hear it eat your money---The Coos Bay URA
Coos Bay Urban Renewal Minutes from 1/2/2000 to 5/15/2012 as shown
Must See Documentary---"Battle for Brooklyn"
Vote NO Bandon Pool!
A Photo Inquiry Into The Egyptian Theatre and Complete Fiscal Incompetence In Coos Bay Oregon
Here is a good Example of Bad Planning and Density Control....
Email Alert from a Watchdog in Myrtle Point
MGX---ORC, does it still get its enterprise zone exemptions???