May 21, 2015
When the boss knows that an employee has deliberately or inadvertently made a decision that misleads his customers and yet sanctions or even encourages that behavior by taking no action to correct the employee’s misdeeds then the boss carries the weight of that wrongdoing not the employee because it has then become company policy.
Oregonian Media Group Chief N. Christian Anderson III is soon to depart for Eugene where he will impose his brand of journalistic standards upon his new employees at the Register-Guard. Readers and writers take notice.
Here is a portion of Oregonian Media Group Chief N. Christian Anderson III’s journalism legacy.
A. Sanctioned the deliberate misuse of Affordable housing* as a substitute for Public housing** which are clearly NOT the same.
B. Sanctioned by never acknowledging much less challenging the prevailing and operative policy of Targeted, UNLIMITED Neighborhood Concentration of Public Housing which allows government to load any neighborhood with up to 100% Public Housing clients.
C. Sanctioned opposition to coverage of a reasonable, equitable and defensible policy goal that would establish a 5% minimum and 15% maximum of Public Housing clients in every neighborhood in Multnomah county.
D. Sanctioned the withholding of meaningful, accurate, complete and timely Public Housing and market rate Affordable Housing Statistical Data, from the people, the press - including the Oregonian, elected officials - including the Oregon legislators and governor Brown, without which there can be no fact based, defensible public housing policy conversation and debate.
E. Sanctioned support for transporting endless millions of tons of coal through Portland, Eugene and many other parts of Oregon.
F. Sanctioned publishing incorrect information to voters without correction regarding Portland Public School board elections - see below.
On two occasions, after I had criticized his staff and Anderson for deliberately misusing language and misdirecting readers, he criticized me, the messenger, but not the message. At no time has Oregonian Media Group Chief N. Christian Anderson III ever responded to me with EVIDENCE or even an unsubstantiated denial that any of the statements of facts mentioned above were untrue.
I cannot speak to Anderson’s business skills. However, I am qualified to judge his decisions involving journalistic integrity, publishing the truth and respect for his readers. On that score I say, Beware readers of the Register-Guard.
Richard Ellmyer
North Portland
To be fair, most of Oregonian Media Group Chief N. Christian Anderson III’s professional journalistic choices mentioned above have been made by most other corporate media chieftains in the Portland metro area. Please let me know if you find any reporter who asks school board members and candidates which voters can vote for them and whose interests they represent once elected.
Will N. Christian Anderson III’s successor follow in his footsteps? Stay tuned.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING is a mathematical construct defined as, Rent/Mortgage + Insurance + Taxes + Utilities <=30% Household Income. EVERY house, condo and apartment is AFFORDABLE to someone.
PUBLIC HOUSING is a class of housing defined as, Means Test (<=80%MFI) + Government Subsidy (any government any type) + rental agreement.
From:Richard Ellmyer
To: Interested Parties Cc: Betsy Hammond N. Christian Mark Katches
Date:May 17, 2015 11:55 AM
Subject:Oregonian Says PPS Board ONLY Represents Their Districts NOT All PPS Taxpayers
Why are so few willing to run for school board in Oregon?
May 17, 2015 By Betsy Hammond
“She wants to serve children in her community, including her own fourth-grade son and twin second-graders, she said.” [And therein lies the problem. School boards should be about serving the interests of the taxpayers in the school district.
The vast majority of taxpayers do not have students in public schools. We pay for the education of the children of strangers because it is in our COMMUNITY'S interest to NOT have hordes of ignorant, unemployable, low information voters wandering about our neighborhoods.
The education of children is FOR THE COMMUNITY. It is NOT For The Children nor the convenience of their parents.]
Published Comment
"In Portland, the incumbent representing Southwest Portland is stepping down" Shame on you Betsy Hammond. You know better than to tell your readers that any PPS board member "represents" the district in which they live. PPS board members are supposed to represent every taxpayer in the PPS voting district.
It's bad enough that your colleagues writing about housing policy deliberately mislead Oregonian readers about Public versus Affordable housing. But you have been at this too long to make such a mistake in PPS board representation.
Richard Ellmyer
North Portland
REPLY - May 17, 2015 9:18 PM
O.K. Betsy, It's been long enough. Either correct your error about PPS board members representing districts in a reply to my comment or reply and tell me I'm wrong. Your professional credentials are on the line here. And that of your editor and the editor and publisher of the Oregonian.
This BIGGEST problem with the PPS board, and perhaps other school boards throughout out state, is not the number of candidates but the number of candidates who totally dismiss their OBLIGATION to represent the interests of all the taxpayers of their school district.
When was the last time YOU reminded your readers that school board members do NOT ONLY represent those taxpayers who have children in any given school system?
When was the last time ANY REPORTER in Oregon reminded their readers that school board members do NOT ONLY represent those taxpayers who have children in any given school system?
When was the last time ANY EDITORIAL BOARD in Oregon reminded their readers that school board members do NOT ONLY represent those taxpayers who have children in any given school system?
The answer to these questions is NEVER. Think about that.
PPS board members and candidates please feel free to speak up and support Betsy's statement that you are elected to represent a specific district and not every taxpayer in the PPS district. I'm sure all the readers of this article would be interested in your responses.
Richard Ellmyer
North Portland
-- Note to readers:
The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America not only guarantees American citizens free speech but also the right "to petition the government for redress of grievances." This means that elected officials are not required to respond to or even read, listen or view citizen communications. But it does mean that elected officials cannot preemptively stop citizens from contacting them by any means, be it by visit, phone, package, letter, email or marching in front of their offices.
Every elected official serving in the United States of America either explicitly or implicitly affirms support for the Constitution of the United States of America. If you are an elected official in the U.S. who can produce evidence that you do NOT support the Constitution of the United States of America and therefore are NOT subject to the First Amendment then please notify me immediately.
In the more than thirteen years that I have been writing and publishing these commentaries about our community better than 99.5% of those receiving my emails are, in fact, interested. The numbers range from a handful to hundreds of thousands depending on the issue of the day.
The Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 also known as the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 specifically exempts political speech. It was authored by senator Ron Wyden. A call to his staff will clarify this legislation. Over the last eleven years only a handful of the most egregious commercial violators have successfully been tried and convicted. The law did not work as many of us who helped develop it had hoped. Spam, as defined in this act, is an international problem which requires an international solution. Signed emails with true headers whose content is related to government and politics that the receiver considers "bothersome" are not spam.
If you would like to forward this message to someone who may be interested, please do not use the forward button of your email application, because this message was made specifically for you only. Instead use the forward page in our newsletter system.