Here are some great points on the Coos County Home Rule Charter, Measure 6-143. It is absolutely apolitical by which I mean it favors neither Democrats nor Republicans, nor anyone else for that matter. Its clear and basic guidelines are for everyone alike.
The charter's message is completely neutral on issues. For example, the Charter neither promotes Urban Renewal or big ticket ($100,000 or more) purchases or contracts nor does it oppose these. It simply says there
will be a vote.
A document this county-oriented and straight forward has to be a Win-Win for the voters. The Charter mandates the voter's rightful place in the political arena, that wonderful old fashioned American ideal: "of
the people, by the people, and for the people." That's why the Charter is called "Voice of the Voters".
Vote yes on 6-143, the voter's road to victory. Visit for the entire charter, related letters, posts, and flyers.
Ronnie Herne
62650 Fairview Road
Coquille 97423