It is always interesting to watch the sequence of political ads around election time. It gives one a window into just how stupid that the pundits think their voting constituents are. One that really sticks out this go round shows a group of doe-eyed seniors sitting in a circle around what would seem to be their guru, asking him questions and basking in the enlightenment of his answers.
This supposed guru talks of a feckless organization whose inability to do its job requires the intervention of an enlightened one, in order to effect the needed change. This organization is of course the American Congress. The guru, Peter Defazio, whom has been a member of Congress for over 20 years, speaks as if he was running for the first time instead of being an entrenched part of the problem.
If voters think that by voting the same way time after time that they are going to achieve a different result, then maybe these ads do work. Those voters will get more of the same old politics as usual just as they deserve. If you want to change Congress it is going to take a lot of hard work and some new Congressmen. Art Robinson is a man whose new ideas and work ethic can help fix the badly broken organization that is the American Congress. Make a difference with a different vote this election.
Rod Schilling, North Bend OR
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