The meeting with Dave Hunnicutt was very informative. We learned something new about the Referendum Process. First, we are going to have to get an initiative on the ballot for every one of the five Urban Renewal Agencies.
It’s time to organize and I need two people from the Cities of Coquille, Myrtle Point, North Bend, and Coos Bay. I will be chief petitioner in Bandon and for the County, so I will need one person to help with both of those initiatives.
If you are interested in leading the charge in your area, then now is the time to step up. We have people ready to go to your part of the county and help you get signatures. This is a good way to get more people involved in the process.
Here is a link to some of the info you will need to know and do not worry about all the forms. We are going to become experts by the time this is all over. Dave Hunnicutt is willing to help us, so lets take advantage of our situation.
Also, here are some important meetings:
Meeting in Myrtle Point on The Bandon Marsh Expansion 1/25/2012Read More......
Republican Meeting with Allen Alley as guest speaker, Don Chance will be speaking on the Bandon Marsh Expansion. 1/26/2012Read More........
Come to a Citizen Watchdog training session in Salem1/31/2012 to 2/1/2012Read More.......
TEA Party Presents Randal O'Toole from The CATO Institute 2/17/2012: Potluck & Property Rights,
Click Here and Read More......
Keep fighting the good fight
Rob Taylor
[email protected]
Phone: 541-347-9942