My fellow Oregonians it has come to my attention that we are being robbed and lied to. For years now we have been told how great the Urban Renewal Project is. Sorry to say I find this a total lie and will explain a little later.
For years we have witnessed the loss of timber jobs, mills, mining, ranching, fishing and a host of other related jobs to the ones listed. Just note this isn’t all of them. We as Oregonians understand now the importance of being good stewards of the land. Yet almost every day a new regulation or rule is put-up-on-us without due process of the people or government. City, County and State gutless wonders we elect to office fail to protect our rights.
Every day there is news of more and more restrictions on our civil liberties for the better good of man. This is a total Socialist / Progressive wording to take away from someone and give it to another. This works just fine until there isn’t anyone left to take from. Understand they are not going to take from themselves to aid or support you in the end.
This now brings me to the Urban Renewal. How are your streets and roads? Poor at best I am guessing! Urban Renewal is taking monies for what? Board Walk in Coos Bay or a host of other look good projects? How about fixing the streets and roads? Fire Protection or fix our schools.
The numbers that I am about to quote come directly from the reported Coos County: Summary of Assessment and Tax Roll 2011-2012. This is all available from the Internet. Let us now begin to examine our tax dollar expenditures.
Coos County Tax Dollars: $59,945,633.22 projected receipts.
Projected Expenditures
Coos County: $6,855,700.56 11%
Cities: $12,876,782.64 21%
School Dist’s.: $25,193,800.35 42%
Rural Fire Dist’s.: $2,499,263.28 4%
Port Dist’s.: $3,022,133.42 5%
Libraries: $3,196,500.41 5%
4H Service Dist.: $389,792.38 1%
Road Dist.: $42,833.34 (<1%) 0%
Hospital/Health Dist.: $1,449,881.86 3%
Urban Renewal Agencies: $3,181,477.73 5%
Miss. Dist. & Fees: $1,237,467.15 2%
You will note that our Road Funding is a minor $42,833.34 or less than 1% of the current county budget. Yet, our roads are falling apart and becoming a danger to all that drive them. Urban Renewal on the other hand is receiving $3,181,477.73 or 5% of the county budget. Question is this! Which would help the county more? Good roads or Wind Mills and Solar Panels? It’s my opinion that roads would be far more valuable to everyone. I mention Wind Mill Farms and Solar Panels because in their very own writings for Urban Renewal these are HIGH PRIORITY projects. Not the betterment of roads or the development of existing resources to actually create jobs and income.
I have yet to dive into the State Wide expenditures of the Urban Renewal, but the facts are clear. Here in Coos County we have been lied to and abused by the appointed bureaucrats who need not answer to the people. I have to wonder why our News Media have failed to report these wastes of tax monies. How is it that we the people have become as gullible as to except what is being spoon fed to us by Government and Media. The numbers listed above demonstrate the miss guided ways of government.
Signed: Christopher Long
Myrtle Point, Or.