This is a letter from a Watchdog in Coquille. I think the dog's got bite......Rob.T
The City of Bandon is considering amending their lighting ordinance to include erroneous exterior lighting regulations. While I understand the concern of intrusive glare from outdoor lighting, it’s a simple issue of courtesy and cooperation with one another.
The people behind this (Committee for Citizen Involvement) are associated with the following, whose statement reads, “The mission of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is to preserve and protect the nighttime environment and our heritage of dark skies through environmentally responsible outdoor lighting.”
They have gained an alliance with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to further promote their cause(s). The Federal Government should never be allowed to influence unconstitutional demands against individual property rights under the fictitious guise of protecting the night sky, wildlife and rocks. Yes, rocks. Unbelievable.
This is obviously another avenue of exploitation by the USFWS to greatly expand their ulterior motive of turning the entire Coquille Valley into a massive mosquito bog unfit for human habitation. The Bandon Marsh project must also be stopped. Below is a letter discussing the important “concept”of keeping the night sky free from intrusive light.
06-04-2012 Bandon City Council Agenda document: Preparation of the proposed Outdoor Lighting Regulations was initiated in 2010 by Nancy Noble Post who served as a volunteer intern in the Planning Department. She worked with the Committee for Citizen Involvement (CCI), Dave Ledig of USF&W, Sheryl Bremmer, the Planning Commission, and several members of the community to promote the important concept of keeping the night
sky free from intrusive light. In September, 2011, the CCI scheduled a Community Forum at the Barn/Community Center. The intent of the Forum was to engage the public in an informative discussion regarding the protection of wildlife and preservation of the night sky.
The exhaustive and unrealistic regulations pertaining to this ordinance will cost property owners time and expenses they can not afford, especially in this economy. It will definitely cause increased spending by the city and cause great resentment from the citizens. The crime rate will increase, including but not limited to, burglary, theft, prowlers, trespassing, assaults and worse. Police, fire and ambulance have always promoted
good lighting for obvious reasons. If passed, Bandon will become a criminal’s paradise.
Requiring no more than a forty watt bulb to illuminate your door and address will not provide enough light in case of emergencies. Nor, does it allow enough light to properly see who’s at your door at night. Business owners are liable for the safety of their customers and employees by preventing accidents and crime with the proper use of lighting. Has any consideration been given to various insurance stipulations?
Besides all of that, it’s the resident that decides what is good for the safety and health for their own families and
property. It is not the decision of a few people who want to see the stars at night and find excuses to get their way at the needless expense and inconvenience to others who will be forced to shoulder the burden, and be
subjected to continual harassment in ensuring that every minor detail is enforced.
Proponents see light as polluting the night sky. Are they concerned that it will blind aircraft pilots, astronauts or space aliens? Get real. This is a very slippery slope that begs the question of “what’s next?” Since they want the light projected downward, I wonder if they’ll eventually become concerned with how it might affect your lawn, ground worms, slugs or even rocks.
The enforcement section in the ordinance is absolutely void of specifics, stating; “The Planning Department may institute actions and proceedings, either legal or equitable, to enjoin, restrain, or abate any violations of this Ordinance and to collect the penalties for such violations.”
What is the particular penalty for certain offenses? What is the violation level; infraction, criminal or civil? There
isn’t room enough here to address all of the ludicrous areas of this unacceptable and poorly written ordinance. Stop this crap and vote it into the trash where it belongs! We have much more important things to attend to like
preserving our Constitutional freedoms instead of treading on them. Please go to where you can read the ordinance yourself, then sign the petition against it.
Tom McKirgan