I really enjoy reading the Letters to the Editor and if you would send me your letters I will post them on the Blog. The following letter is from Jaye and Ronnie and it is rip roaring hilarious...... Thank you Ladies from Fairfview.....Rob T.
We're darkening Bandon skies to protect What? The Bandon Marsh has been singled out for special attention. Prior to the Bandon Marsh being "protected," it was naturally home to a very large, diverse
wildlife population, night lights and all. And it still is. So, the Marsh isn't in any danger.
Bandon has been around way over a hundred years. In that time it has had both gas light and electric light, street lights, traffic lights, head lights, emergency vehicle lights (and sirens), flag spotlights, porch lights, shop lights, whatever. Still, Bandon today sports a wildlife population within its city limits that includes myriad birds (including night owls), rodents, possums, raccoons, deer, and elk none of which seems bothered by the light at night. The only local animals notably missing seem to be the lions, bears, and bobcats, likely because Bandon is lit at night. This is bad?
In the lighting above, almost all of it - save for the flag-honor lights - had a basis in safety. The lighting evolved because it was needed and worked. The City of Bandon faces stiff liability fines should some
of their pseudo-science be brought in front of real judicial courts over consequences that should have been foreseeable.
As for conserving energy, cut me some slack! Bandon is in the business of SELLING energy!
And about the rocks... Some years back in the SF Bay Area I heard of a Rockologist who was apparently at that time confronted with some of the same "Rock Sympathy" we're witnessing here, and how the rocks
should be protected. If I recall, he stated that the surface rocks are the sturdiest of all rocks, precisely because of their exposure to the elements which specifically included all of the light spectrum exposures. It was the
rocks below, the ones protected from most of the maturing elements, that were the weakest.
So, Bandon, relax. Turn on your lights, enjoy your BBQs, honor your flags, light your paths and drives. Just be considerate.
Ronnie Herne
62650 Fairview Road
Coquille, Oregon 97423
Help Wanted: ---Volunteers needed to defeat The Bandon Lighting Ordinance
Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2173
NO on Measure 6-148 The Bandon Lighting Ordinance
City of Bandon---Outdoor Lighting Ordinance Measure 6-148
Keep the Lights ON in Bandon
The Bandon Lighting Ordinance
“Coos County Today”
The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation