In reference to The World editorial, June 10th, proclaiming our County Commissioners have no responsibility to tell the federal government 'NO' when it comes to totally un-Constitutional legislation such as the NDAA ( incarceration, no trial, no evidence necessary ) being enforced in our county: Even the Governor and the State Legislature agree that the first duty of a County Board of Commissioners is responsibility for the safety and welfare of the citizens therein.
They have even passed a bill ( HB 3453 ) which states that if the county cannot afford to provide for public safety, to the degree the state deems necessary, they will take complete control of the county and have the authority to sell county property, indebt the county, merge with other counties, and install an income tax to provide these functions.
Upon taking office commissioners swear an oath to support the united States Constitution and the Constitution of Oregon. Now, is The World unfamiliar with this Oath of Office, not familiar with the united States of America Constitution or the Oregon Constitution? Or are they totally negating the constitutional basis on which this country was founded?
Jaye Bell
62650 Fairview Road
Coquille, Oregon 97423
Letter to Editor---The Problem with PERS
Letter to Editor---3 Issues 4-5-13
Letter to Editor---The Dark-Sky Conspiracy Continues
Letter to Editor---Relax Bandon and Let there be light...
Letter to Editor------Feckless or Hypocritical
Letter to the editor,---Voting for the Home Rule Charter “Voice of the
Voters” measure 6-143