Take a look at this link...should post on the watchdog.
Land Trusts Seek Deals During Recession, Prepare for End of Bond Funds By Josh Stephens on 29 November 2011 - 2:33pm
"So far, money has flowed smoothly enough during the recession for land trusts large and small around the state to make major acquisitions. For example: . The Nature Conservancy has, according to Yandell, recently been adding roughly 10,000 to 15,000 acres annually in easements and outright purchases to its statewide total - roughly 400,000 acres.
. The Eastern Sierra Land Trust has acquired roughly 4,000 acres since 2008, more than doubling its total holdings.
. The Sonoma Land Trust recently made one of its biggest acquisitions ever, a 6,000-acre assemblage along the Jenner Headlands, at the mouth of the Russian River.
Others have suffered decreases in donations and bureaucratic impediments"
See article in attached pdf.

Land Trusts Seek Deal During Recession 11-29-11 |