Name: Steve Scheer
Coos County Commissioner Position #2
Educational Background:
Oregon State University B.S. General Agriculture
Southwestern Oregon Community College A.S. Business Technology
Retired / Software Engineer
Prior Occupation:
Software Engineer
Environmental Specialist
Public Health Sanitarian
Prior Government Experience:
Coos County Budget Committee
Coos County Planning Commission
Coos County Noxious Weed Board
Coos County Noxious Weed Board Cost Share Program
Coos Soil and Water Conservation District
Southwestern Oregon Airport Budget Committee
Port of Coos Bay Budget Committee
Candidate Statement:
Citizens of Coos County today we find ourselves at a crossroad and the direction you choose will shape your lives and those of future generations to come. The County is currently experiencing a fiscal crisis that despite safeguards put in place by prior County Board of Commissioners (BOC) are now being ignored.
Spending exceeds revenue to such an extent that the current BOC has approved action that will overharvest our largest asset the County forest, leading to an intergenerational transfer of somewhere between $30-$120 million dollars over the next 40 years. This will effectively guarantee an increase in taxes on future generations to make up the shortfall.
From the lack of an Open Door policy to the forfeiture of your first amendment rights to comment on pertinent business agenda items when they’re considered, your input is discouraged. In order for the BOC to change and start listening to you the citizens of Coos County you must reclaim your historic role in government.
There is still time to correct the course, but it will take the combined efforts of you the ignored people of Coos County and effective leadership to do so. I would like to partner with you in accomplishing such a daunting task.
I further pledge the following:
Support Second Amendment Rights
Support County Fiscal responsibility
Support open door policy
Support relaxation of public comment rule
Support evening Board of Commissioner Hearings
Support expansion of County Forest
Oppose Coos County Administrator position
Oppose Urban Renewal extension
Oppose Bandon Marsh expansion
Oppose Community Enhancement Plan
Reported in: ~ news – OpEd’s from The Sentinel newspaper