Below are a few of the dates for the next set of smokescreens being staged by our Congress. Notice it begins with a gun rally and ends on Tax Day, April 15th. Rob T....
From: Tea Party Patriots
January 19, 2013 - Gun Appreciation Day:
Many people around the country will be visiting local gun shops, ranges, state capital buildings, etc. to express their appreciation of the 2nd Amendment. You may want to find out where events are happening in your local areas and plan to go to these events to register people to vote and/or get them involved in your local Tea Party group. [OFF Alert] Rally For Gun Rights Jan. 19 In Salem & Again on Feb. 8, 2013
February 15 - March 27, 2013 - Debt Ceiling:
Sometime in this date range we are expected to reach the debt ceiling (Technically we have already hit the debt ceiling, but this is the date range when we will reach a point where the Treasury can no longer implement
"extraordinary measures" to meet our spending obligations.
February 28, 2013 - Sequestration:
The "fiscal cliff" bill created a new manufactured crisis that will happen sometime at the end of February. This is when the sequestration can was kicked down the road.
March 31, 2013 - Continuing Resolution:
The current Continuing Resolution that the government is operating under expires on March 31. This means that they will have to pass a CR between now and then.
April 15, 2013 - Budget Resolution:
This is the date by law in which both Houses should have a budget resolution passed. We are already hearing that the President is late in submitting his budget, the House is reporting that they will not meet their deadline for a budget, and the Senate... well they haven't passed a budget in over 1,350 days.