Fake, Fraud, and Followers: How the Environmental Hysteria Took Root

Our Guest: Dr. Tim Ball, Climatologist
This week: According to the UK Daily Mail: “Climate change is on ice: UN scientists reveal the world's barely got any hotter in the last 15 years - but say they are now 95% certain man is to blame for global warming.” So, to paraphrase, nothing has
happened and yet someone is to blame.
Under the guise of “saving the environment,” we have pushed billions of dollars to environmental causes, and bowed to the will of these well-funded groups to pass thousands of environmental policies. But it's important to understand that these policies have real-world impacts.
Just yesterday on foxnews.com there was an article about the Rough and Ready Sawmill closing. This was the last sawmill left in Josephine County in southern Oregon. A family-owned business operating for 91 years and three generations and now it’s gone. Done in by environmental policies.
How is it that entire movements, like the environmental movement, get started? Especially movements that are based on flawed, faulty, and even faked “scientific studies”?
This week on the I Spy Radio Show, we talk with climatologist, Dr. Tim Ball and we explore how these movements manage to take off. We’ll also talk about the latest UN report from the International Panel on Climate Change. Guess what: the seas are rising-- again!
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