I found your website when doing a search on urban/renewal and redevelopment agencies in Idaho. I live in Kootenai County and I am part of a group currently trying to stop the ULUC (Unified Land Use Code) our
commissioners are trying to pass later this year. It has Agenda 21 written all over it.
I created this website after reading Rosa Koire's book, Behind The Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 www.kcrights.com. I am starting to realize these redevelopment agencies like LCDC we have in Coeur d' Alene are a big part of
pushing agenda 21. I am saw that you had something about trying to see if the voters in your county could vote on what these redevelopment agencies could do. I think this is great. Any information you can provide on this would be great.
I am also on the central republican committee and we are currently drafting a resolution to tell the commissioners to stop the ULUC. It also it will contain sustainable growth and Agenda 21 language. I would even like to
include, if not in this resolution but another, something about these renewal urban/redevelopment agency. I like the idea of the county voting on what they can do.
Any information you can provide on this would be great.
Thank you!