The Coquille Watershed Association is working with students from the Bandon and Coquille High Schools on the "Going Native" project and the group is having a public meeting on February 22, to display their work.
Since these are students and young minds, it is important that there is a balance of people with differing ideologies in attendance to make sure that extreme environmentalism is not taught to the children. The CWA have a few members on their Board that put the needs of plants above the needs of the people, so people need to be aware of who is doing the teaching in these school programs. Please, come out to this event and enjoy the day, because there is a need to have a good balance in the environment....Rob T.
Going Native
February 12, 2014
Coquille Watershed Association
223 N Alder, Suite D
Coquille, OR 97423
Phone: (541) 396-2541
Contact: Kelly Miles
Public Event – The Coquille Watershed Association, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Oregon Stewardship and Coquille Booster Club have planned a tree-planting party for Saturday, February 22, in Coquille at the soccer and football practice sports fields along Cunningham Creek. Students, volunteers and local contractors have been clearing invasive weeds and planting native species along the creek and will wrap up the project from 9am-12 noon. The public is welcome to come by and learn about the student’s work, grab a shovel and enjoy a hot dog as we help to restore the creek that runs through the school’s fish hatchery.
The Coquille Watershed Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring salmon habitat and is working on this project under funding provided by OWEB’s Small Grant Program, an easy-to-engage-in, competitive grant program that awards funds of up to $10,000 for on-the-ground restoration projects to landowners funded by Oregon Lottery dollars. For more information on either the CWA or OWEB, please see and Oregon Stewardship is a non-profit membership organization that works with students in five counties of SW Oregon, and students do hands-on projects like the riparian restoration of Cunningham Creek. For more information on Oregon Stewardship, please see
Hosted by the Coquille Watershed Association, Oregon Stewardship, Coquille Booster Club
Location: Coquille High School soccer & football practice fields, Coquille
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2014
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Please call CWA Director Kelly Miles at (541) 396-2541 if you have any questions.
CWA---Coquille Watershed Association Public Meeting January 27, 2014
CWA---Meeting Calendar
CWA---Last Meeting of the Year November 25, 2013
CWA---Executive Council Meeting Monday 9/23
Subject: CWA meeting recap and information
OWEB---Watershed Council Support Update