Coquille Watershed Association
September 23, 2013
Owen Building (Coos County Annex, 201 N Adams, Coquille)
7-9 PM
Executive Council Meeting Agenda
1. Introductions - Ernie Newton, CWA President
2. Special Presentation: Steven Denney, The Nature Conservancy, will present a Powerpoint and speak about the Winter Lake Restoration and Tidegate Replacement Project.
3. Council business: August minutes, financial updates, grant/project/crew status updates – Kelly Miles, CWA Director
4. Discussion/Actions: 2013-2015 CWA/OWEB Workplan
5. Public Comment
Please submit any additional comments, thoughts and ideas that you would like to share to the Board of Operating Officers or Kelly Miles, Thank you!
The Bandon Marsh Mosquito Farm
OWEB Grant Request by The Nature Conservancy 2013
Questions about the Bandon Mosquito Press Release
The Bandon Marsh---Comments & Links on Mosquito Spraying
CCT---Bandon Marsh Mosquito Meeting September 21, 2013
BOC---Town Hall on the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Source Control September 6, 2013
USFWS---Public Responses to the Bandon Marsh Mosquito Invasion
Letter to Mr. Lowe of the USFWS about the Bandon Marsh Mosquitoe Problem
Department of Interior---Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations AKA The Coquilles
USFWS---Bandon Marsh Expansion Meeting Friday August 30, 2013
OPRD---Bandon Dunes Exchange Proposal Meeting August 16, 2013
Fishing Alert---The State is forcing a reduction in certain fish populations, Why?
USFS---Federal land buries rural economies in WA & OR
ODFW---A bright outlook for ocean salmon seasons
EPA---Victims of Government: The Case of Steve Lathrop, Sounds Fimiliar
Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2173---Updated 3/13/2013
Congressman Peter DeFazio & The Land and Water Conservation Fund
USFWS---Three Articles relevant to the LWCF and the NFWF
Senators Wyden and Reid Planning 2013 Omnibus Federal Lands Bill
USFWS & USDOT---North Bank Lane Project
Coos County Today---Sign the "NO Bandon Marsh Petition"
USFWS---Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge
American Policy Center---news on more Federal Land grabs
The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation