6:30 p.m Thursday 11/12/2015
Coos Bay Fire Station #1.
Bay Fire Station #1).
Our primary topic will be radio procedure. We need to determine what frequencies we want to use for Primary, Secondary and Tertiary channels. I will be bringing something called a "jungle antenna" that could be a simple option to boost the range of the hand held Baofeng's if we decide to stick with them. Our goal is a cheap easy way to actually make contact with each other considering many of us don't have licenses yet and not everyone has the option of setting up an antenna in their yard. Please bring your Baofeng's if you have them. I should have my laptop with me if anyone wants to program their radio. Also, we would like as many members as possible that already have their HAM licenses to attend this meeting.
Second topic will be a possible handgun training class. Dana Glick got some firm numbers on what it will cost to host a class by Northwest Self-Defense Education. We would need at least 10 attendees.
Third will be an update on Rob Taylor's political plans for next year. I'm hoping he will be there himself, but if not, several of us were at the election night meet & greet so we can pass on what was discussed.
Lastly, Michael Tribble has said February will be best for the trauma class, so for now I need to get some firm numbers on who will be attending the CPR class in January. I can do 9 max in one class. If we have more than that I will break it into two or more classes. I already received enough money from you all for 10 CPR cards thanks to one person who gave way more than enough. Other than that there is no cost for the class. There is no minimum age for the class, so kids are welcome as long as they are strong enough to do the chest compressions.
Hope to see everyone there!
-Matt W.