free demonstration class at the /Owen Building/ in Coquille.
*Located at*
201 N Adams
Coquille, OR 97423
We will be demonstrating how to assemble a small Individual First Aid
Kit (IFAK) for stabilizing serious trauma and a more comprehensive but
portable First Aid Kit for use at home or in the trunk of your car. We
will also identify several common alternatives to often expensive
medical supplies and let you know where to find them. Anyone interested
in attending our upcoming class on suturing wounds will need to attend
this meeting as we will be passing around a signup sheet. Seats for the
suturing class are extremely limited due to required amount of hands on
The III% concept is dedicated to the ideals of personal freedom, limited
constitutional government and personal preparedness. We are neighbors
helping neighbors and all members of the community are encouraged to
join us. If you would like to find out more go
to www.oregoniiipercent.com <http://www.oregoniiipercent.com/> or search
for Oregon III% on Facebook.