On Dec 8, in the ESD Bldg on Teakwood Ave., CB, at 5:30PM, Americans for Prosperity is holding its monthly meeting. Rob Taylor, a frustrated citizen, tired of government waste and the original organizer of the Tea Party here in this area, will be giving an update on Urban Renewal in the county. Our featured speaker, is one we have been anticipating for some time now. He will be Tim Votaw, a former scout sniper with the Marine Corps and combat vet in Vietnam. Tim is an outspoken supporter of Arizona's Immigration Law SB1070 and just returned from the Tuscon area in Arizona where he helped with the effort there along the Mexican border. His talk will be a summary of "Hard Facts Behind the Border Wars," a prepared presentation he's made on other occasions. Tim recently retired from service as a hazardous materials specialist official. We expect it to be an interesting gathering and are looking forward to this with great anticipation.
Last but not least -- "Big Daddy" Noorlander will be serving his Nationally Famous BBQ and slaw. We welcome dishes on the side, store bought if you prefer. Our last meeting drew around 55 citizens. Come join us and we'll see you the 8th.
Your local chapter extends to you and yours a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! this coming holiday. Take good care.
Rick Hoffine
Coos County AFP
Asst Chapter Leader
Steve Noorlander
Chapter Leader
Steve Ramberg
Communications Director
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." --Thomas Jefferson
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) and Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFP Foundation) are committed to educating citizens about economic policy and mobilizing those citizens as advocates in the public policy process. AFP is an organization of grassroots leaders who engage citizens in the name of limited government and free markets on the local, state and federal levels. The grassroots members of AFP advocate for public policies that champion the principles of entrepreneurship and fiscal and regulatory restraint.