Bills to Follow: S. 3487 (Audit the Pentagon) Select Here S. 202 (Audit the Fed) Select Here S. 2122 (Def. Environment & Property) Select Here HR 973 (No Foreign Law) Select Here American Minute: TODAY'S MINUTE: The Confederates won the second Battle of Bull Run, crossed the Potomac River into Maryland and captured Harper’s Ferry. But the Confederate drive was halted at the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day of fighting in American history. In total, over a half million lost their lives in the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. In his Second Annual Message, DECEMBER 1, 1862, President Lincoln wrote ... READ MORE MORE NEWS: Reid to use Nuclear Option to Kill GOP Filibuster Power, Blow up the Senate Read More Is Big Green’s carbon tax a snake in the ‘fiscal cliff’s’ grass? Read More Who Does He Say That He Is? Read More Did the Founders’ Constitution Permit Federal Tort Reform? Read More Defense spending: Obama DOD spends billions on non-military projects Read More | Legislative Action: Tell the U.S. Senate: Defend My Right to Trial, Amend the NDAA! Select Here Tell the Senate: No Filibuster Reform! Select Here Tell Congress: REFUSE the U.N. Gun Treaty Select Here "I Believe in the Right to Secede" (Petition) Select Here Tell Congress: No United Nations Internet Control Select Here Tell Congress: Support H.R. 973 and Refuse All Unconstitutional "Supranational" Laws! Select Here Petition: Tell Your U.S. Representative to Investigate the Benghazi Attack! Select Here Petition: Tell Congress: Draft Legislation to Make States 'Pay Their Way' through Welfare Programs Select Here Petition: Tell Congress to Re-Evaluate U.S. Foreign Aid Select Here Petition: Tell Congress to Pass the 'Audit the Pentagon' Act Select Here Petition: Tell Obama 'No Cybersecurity Executive Order!' Select Here Petition: Tell the Senate to Audit the Federal Reserve, Pass S. 202! Select Here Petition: Repeal Sect. 1021 of NDAA FY 2012 Select Here Petition: Tell Congress: Repeal Obamacare! Select Here Petition: Tell Congress to Vote Against Drone Surveillance, Abuses! Select Here Petition: Send your Representative, Senators, and Obama the full US Constitution and the Bill of Rights! Select Here Petition: Restore Sound Money, Repeal Legal Tender Laws Select Here Fax: Tell Congress to support HR 973, keep foreign law OUT of US Courts! Select Here |
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