Subject: CGIsues [GWR] The Spotted Owl Did Help Destroy the
Northwest Timber Industry - The Idaho Statesman
CG912Project Members and Friends,
It is time to
The Spotted Owl Did Help Destroy the Timber Industry, by Tom Partin, President of the American Forest Resource Council in Portland, and in the June 3
Idaho Statesman link at, begins with the following statements,
“I write to set the record straight. Niels Nokkentved, whose guest opinion piece appeared May 27, simply does not know what he is talking about. Following the dialectic of the environmental movement, he would
have readers believe the listing of the spotted owl had nothing to do with the neglect our federal forests are now suffering or the plight of our rural communities which those forests surround.
I have lived in Oregon for all of my 62 years, mostly in small rural communities. I have witnessed firsthand the appalling damage done by misguided federal forest policy to our forests, our communities and our families. Here are some facts.
The Northwest Forest Plan, implemented in 1994, was designed to assure the recovery of the northern spotted owl. The plan allocated only 15 percent of the 24.5 million acres of federal land it covers to multiple use management and set aside 85 percent for special uses. This drastic reduction in manageable land reduced the amount of timber available annually from 4.5 billion to 1.1 billion board feet. This reduction, coupled with the fact that less than 40 percent of the projected 1.1 billion was ever made available for harvest, led to the closure of 261 mills supporting at least 50,000 jobs in western Washington, western Oregon and northern California.
Based on a conservative production estimate of at least 500 board-feet per acre per year, growth on the Northwest Forest Plan acres since 1994 has been in the neighborhood of 12.1 billion board feet per year. The annual harvest has been only about 4 percent of growth. The resulting buildup of dead and dying trees in Northwest forests has led to catastrophic fires burning millions of acres, much of it prime spotted owl habitat.”
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