I have been working with individuals from several different counties in Oregon to get the Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance enacted in their county. Chris Brumbles from Columbia County and a group of supporters could not convince the Board that they have a duty to preserve and protect the Bill of Rights and that it was their job to enact such laws.
Since the commissioners refuse to do their job then we are going to do it for them.
On August 22, 2016 Mr. Brumbes filed an imitative for the SAPO in Columbia County and on August 30 the county responded with a letter stating that it does meet the requirements of section 1 (2)(d) and (5), Article IV of the Oregon Constitution. There some pie in the eye for the commissioners. What a bunch of Pie Boys.
Now the people of Columbia County are going to need the help from anyone who is willing to go out and get signatures for the Second Amendment.....Rob T.
Link to video of the BOC meeting in Columbia County:
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Curry County BOC Vote to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County
Curry County BOC Vote Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance July 20, 2016
Open Letter to the Curry County Board of Commissioners on 2nd Amendment
Curry BOC Voting on Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance Referral
An Election Message to Second Amendment Supporters
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