If you cannot attend the meetings, the draft Environmental Impact Statement is open for public comment through February 20, 2014.
Comments can be sent via email at: [email protected], or
mailed to:
BLM-Greater Sage-Grouse EIS
1220 SW 3rd Ave.
Portland, OR 97204
The full Oregon Sub-Regional Greater Sage-Grouse Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) Amendment/EIS can be found at: http://www.blm.gov/or/energy/opportunity/sagebrush.php.
Sagebrush Ecosystem
- Oregon DEIS Vol. 1 (PDF)
- Oregon DEIS Vol. 2 (PDF)
- Oregon DEIS Vol. 3 (PDF)
- Associated Maps
- Draft GIS Data
MAIL: BLM - Greater Sage-Grouse DEIS
1220 SW Third Ave.
Portland, OR 97204
EMAIL: [email protected]
The sagebrush ecosystem is home to unique plant and wildlife species, and is very important to the overall ecological health of eastern Oregon. Many birds and mammals depend on sagebrush ecosystems in the western United States for survival. In the last century, drastic changes caused by livestock grazing, conversion of lands to agriculture, the introduction of exotic plant species, and fire have resulted in alteration and fragmentation of sagebrush vegetative communities throughout the Intermountain West. The loss of sagebrush ecosystems are negatively affecting many of the more than 350 species of plants and animals that depend on sagebrush ecosystems for all or part of their existence including Greater Sage-Grouse as well as Pygmy Rabbit, Mule Deer, and Golden Eagles. Other examples of sagebrush dependent species include sage sparrow, ferruginous hawks, Brewer's sparrow, sage thrasher, sagebrush vole, and many botanical species.
BLM and Sage-Grouse Conservation In response to requests from state and local governments to facilitate ways to conserve Greater Sage-Grouse and protect its habitat, BLM scientists and managers met with state wildlife management officials July 16, 2011 to brief them on the agency’s National Greater Sage-Grouse Planning Strategy. The meeting took place at the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. The BLM strategy emphasizes a cooperative approach and provides a framework to advance efforts to implement timely conservation measures for sage-grouse and its habitat.
Comments and Feedback The BLM and the U.S. Forest Service are seeking comment on issues that should be addressed in evaluating Greater Sage-Grouse conservation measures in land use plans in 10 Western states. Comments for the Western Region may be sent to [email protected]. General questions about the planning strategy should be directed to [email protected]. You can also visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Related Information
- Amending the Southeastern Oregon and Lakeview RMPs (PDF)
- Core Areas and Occupied Habitat Map (PDF)
- ODFW Core Areas Map (PDF)
- Sage-Grouse Habitat in Eastern Oregon Map (PDF)
- Comment Period for Greater Sage-Grouse Scoping Extended
- Sage-Grouse Mapping News Release
- Fish and Wildlife Service: Sage-Grouse page
- Federal Register Notice March 5, 2010: 12-Month Findings for Petitions to List the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) as Threatened or Endangered
- News Release March 5, 2010: Interior Expands Common-Sense Initiative to Conserve Sage-Grouse Habitat in the West
- News Release March 5, 2010: Fish and Wildlife Service to Add Bi-State DPS of Greater Sage-Grouse to Candidate List
- News Release March 5, 2010: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Says Western Sage-Grouse Not a Sub-species
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