From Megan Harper of the BLM
The Community Listening Sessions will include BLM updates on the planning process and how it relates to the key issues being discussed. Attendees will then have a chance to share their input with the BLM and each other through small group discussions. The event will conclude with identified future opportunities to stay involved.The sessions will lay the foundation for constructive dialogue by sharing the latest information and listening to your initial thoughts and concerns about key natural resources and forest management issues locally, and in western Oregon. The Resource Management Plans (RMP) for Western Oregon project covers 2.5 million acres in western Oregon in a checkerboard diverse landscape with multiple interests. The BLM is preparing the RMPs to meet the social, cultural, economic, needs of western Oregon. We’re inviting you to join the dialogue to find solutions to the challenges that will ultimately result in predictable outcomes.
More listening session information is available at:
Pizza and refreshments will be provided. Feel free to share this email with anyone else who may be interested in attending the meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. We hope to see you there!
Megan Harper
Public Affairs Coos Bay District BLM