BBQ & Beach Clean-Up at Bullard’s Beach
Please join Coos County Watchdog and the Coos County Chapter of Oregon III% for a beach cleanup and no-host BBQ at Bullard's Beach State Park on Saturday June 25th beginning at 12 Noon.
It was recently announced that the nonprofit organization SOLVE has scheduled a beach cleanup at Bullard's Beach for the end of June and has invited twenty-two European undergraduate students to attend.
SOLVE is supported by environmental extremist such as The Nature Conservancy, and the reason they are bringing out people from Europe is to espouse socialism disguised as conservation, or otherwise, it would be a great endeavor to support.
The folks from “Leaven No Trace” are a good example of average citizens applying rudimentary solutions to solve local problems. Go Americans....
While we appreciate the efforts of SOLVE in cleaning up our beautiful state, local residents must take a personal interest in the health of our outdoor areas. The cleanliness of Oregon beaches and forests is the responsibility of Oregonians, so let us tidy up before our foreign guests arrive.
We would not want them to see our dirty laundry.
All concerned residents of Coos County are invited to join us. Volunteers are asked to provide their own trash bags and gloves. Several vehicles will be present to haul away the trash.
Volunteers should meet at the East Picnic Shelter near the Boat Ramp at High Noon to organize for the clean-up and the BBQ will be held at the same location.
The no-host, potluck, BBQ will commence as soon as the cleanup is complete. Grills and beverages will be provided, so please bring your favorite dish.
We would also like to offer our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of the victims of the recent terrorist attack in Orlando by a radical Muslim extremist. Our greatest goal is to make sure every individual has the Right to self-preservation, especially those most vulnerable
Rob Taylor ~ www.CoosCountyWatchdog.com
Matthew Wilbanks ~ Coos County Chapter of The Three Percenters