Here is the auditor's response to Fred Kirby on the Oregon's Counties: 2012 Financial Condition Review Report.
Rob T......
SOS OR Counties 2012 Financial Condidtion Review 2012-17
Mr. Kirby,
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the Oregon's Counties: 2012 Financial Condition Review report. The statement you have made inquiries about is a summary of information provided by the Board Chairman, Mr. Fred Messerle. The following excerpt was taken from the response, provided Mr. Messerle, to our draft report
and provides more context.
"So faced with the inability to raise local revenues until we have a better economy and the continuing decline in resources available from the state and federal level we can do the following:
1. Become as efficient as possible, but cost savings will not be enough to balance our budget
2. As any entity facing insolvency, we will need to liquidate assets to pay our expenses.
First would be the drawdown of cash and liquid reserves
Second would be liquidation of the forest stumpage inventory
Third would be the sale of county owned real estate including forestland, parks, buildings, etc.
Fourth would be the return of all required responsibilities to the State of Oregon."
Thank you again for your inquiry.
Alan J. Bell
Principal Auditor
(503) 986-2187
Fax: (503) 378-6767
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