Another Opinion on the O&C Land
The Walden/DeFazio scheme is an impossible dream. This is being sold to the timber guys as a quick fix. Can't happen. It would transfer stands of timber more than 125 years old to the USFS. Stands younger than 125 years would go into a state trust to be administered by a board of trustees appointed by our environmental governor. Stands of timber do not follow survey quadrangles meaning that each would have to be surveyed to effect a transfer. How long will that take? Are we to suppose that the folks who have blocked harvesting for 16
years will start harvesting if they are in charge? The plan rewards the enviros for withdrawing all of this from timber production by creating 64000 acres of new wilderness and mining withdrawals that accomplishing nothing beneficial.
The wilderness lands cannot be seen by tourists on the Rogue. The streams to be protected are not used by salmon/steelhead - too warm. There is nothing in the scheme to recommend it but false promises. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. If we must do away with the 1937 Act (why?), the best approach is the Hastings Bill HR 4019.