Americans for Prosperity Coos County Chapter is excited to announce that Sam Carpenter will be in town on November 10, at 6PM in the ESD Building on Teakwood Ave, Coos Bay. This is truly a special treat for all of us as we head into the holiday season. If you are serious about about making changes in your life, job, or business, you'll not want to miss this. Sam was at the Oregon AFP Summit Leadership Meeting in Bend in January of this year and Steve Noorlander and I caught a seminar he conducted. I was very impressed with what Sam taught us there and recently finished reading his great book, "Work the System."
Sam was exhausted by his career and brutal, 80-hour workweeks. Barely making ends meet, the demands of his struggling small business left little time for family or socializing. Late one night, nearing rock bottom, Sam had a moment of insight in which he turned everything around. Now, using principles he’ll share with us, Sam works only two hours a week and earns more in a month than he used to earn in a year. He also found health, enthusiasm, and the energy to start an international charitable organization to aid earthquake victims overseas.
On Nov. 10 at the ESD Building, Sam will discuss his book, "Work the System," which reveals five strategic steps anyone can take to reduce a workweek, eliminate stress, and boost income. His book also teaches the seven things everyone should be doing to get ahead in the workplace. Anyone who manages a business, a job, or a life can gain this insight.
Also, from 5:30 to 6PM, we'll discuss Urban Renewal with Rob Taylor leading the discussion over dinner. Potluck style with Big Daddy's BBQ. YUMMMMMMM!!!!!
Rick Hoffine
Asst Chapter Leader
Coos County AFP