From The Nature Conservancy

Once, 50,000 grizzly bears roamed this country.
Today, less than 2,000 of these magnificent animals live in the lower 48 states. They're crammed into a tiny portion of the unspoiled lands they used to call home.
Forests and prairies are being gobbled up by development that mars vistas and puts wildlife at risk.
Will there be a future for grizzly bears?
The answer, frankly, is up to you. Day by day we're losing land in the Northern Rockies that grizzly bears and other wildlife depend on. Unless we step in. Unless we protect that land ourselves.
Do your part to keep nature healthy and wild. Adopt an Acre ® today and help conserve your own piece of pristine land for grizzly bears and the many other endangered creatures that need them,
When you make a gift of $50 or more per acre, you'll get exclusive member benefits, including an adoption certificate and fact sheet about the precious land in the Northern Rockies that you've helped protect.
From The Watchdog

Once, millions of Tyrannosaurus Rex roamed this country.
Today, less than 0 of these magnificent animals live in the lower 48 states. They're crammed into a tiny portion of the unspoiled museums they used to call home.
Forests and prairies are being gobbled up by development that mars vistas and puts wildlife at risk.
Will there be a future for the T-Rex?
The answer, frankly, is up to you. Day by day we're losing land in the Northern Rockies that dinosaurs and other wildlife depend on. Unless we step in. Unless we protect that land ourselves.
Do your part to keep nature healthy and wild. Adopt an Acre ® today and help conserve your own piece of pristine land for T-Rex and the many other endangered creatures that need them,
When you make a gift of $50 or more per acre, you'll get exclusive member benefits, including an adoption certificate and fact sheet about the precious land in the Northern Rockies that you've helped protect.