This bill has been shelfed in committee. Please, continue to send emails and letters in support of
HB 2173.....Rob T.
House Committee On Land Use
2013 Regular Session
Current Location: In House Committee
Current Committee: Land Use
Next Hearing Date: 2/28/2013 3:00:00 PM
Relating to water projects; declaring an emergency. Changes status of activities conducted to create, restore or
enhance wetlands on land zoned for exclusive farm use from outright permitted use to conditional use.
May have fiscal impact, but no statement yet issued
No Revenue impact
Measure History For HB 2173
By Representatives KRIEGER, CLEM (at the request of Oregon Farm Bureau) (Presession filed.)
-- Relating to water projects; declaring an emergency.
1-14(H) | First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
1-22(H) | Referred to Land Use.
2-28(H) | Public Hearing and Possible Work Session scheduled.
Chair Representative Brian Clem Vice-Chair Representative Kevin Cameron Vice-Chair Representative Lew Frederick Member Representative Paul Holvey Member Representative Kim Thatcher Member Representative Ben Unger Member Representative John Davis Hey folks, Here is some information of the first piece of State Legislation that will need our support. Please, read the bill and contact your State Congressman and tell them to pass HB2173....Rob T. Action Alert UpdateThe Oregon Citizen Lobby has scored this bill please review at: You will also be able to access the actual bill as introduced! From a Watchdog in Salem: We, in the Coquille Valley and other parts of Oregon need your help. Please either call or email Rep. Brian Clem, Chairman of the House Land Use Committee and tell him you want a hearing on this very important bill to protect and conserve agriculture lands for food and future generations of farmers and ranchers. Without creating a venue or process for wetland creation, restoration or enhancement, hundreds of acres of agriculture lands will continue to be converted out of agriculture production and into "permanent" wetlands. The latest proposal in the Coquille Valley is 742 acres in Winter Lake, Beaver Slough, and Lowe Creek. Chair, Land Use Committee Rep. Brian Clem: [email protected] (503) 986-1421 House District 9 Rep: Caddie McKeown 503-986-1409 From a Watchdog in The Coquille Valley In August another farmer in the Willamette Valley and I met with Rep. Krieger and LC to draft a bill to provide a process for these wetland restoration projects plus address the lack of liability on EFU lands should the operation be impacted by the restoration project. Currently Oregon statutes provide for fish restoration projects to be exempt from liability except for "gross negligence". Currently there are two bills in legislature. One is HB2173, which is sponsored by Rep. Krieger and Rep. Brian Clem (Salem). The bill has been sent to the House Land Use Committee of which Rep. Clem is Chair. I have done an overview plus provided some background information concerning what is happening. I also did an overview plus documents for the Coquille Valley. I'll send those to you in a second email. I had a conference call this morning and the issue that was brought up is that the "restoration" groups (TNC, Joint Venture, OWEB, etc) are not pleased with these bills. We need to be proactive in getting our story out to the legislature. Senator Betsy Johnson has a companion bill in the house which is similar to HB2173 but it also addresses the issues of appraisals by these NGO's. Her bill is SB338 and she is also getting a lot of comments. Please take the time to call your legislators or friends at the Capitol and ask them to support these bills. You will notice the overview deals primarily with the need to support Goal 3 and retain productive agriculture land. Right or wrong, this is the approach I think that needs to be taken and we can back up that with the Coquille Valley information. You can get a copy of these bills on-line however since they are land use bills, they 30 plus pages long. Thanks for any assistance you can provide. sharon Related Posts: Congressman Peter DeFazio & The Land and Water Conservation Fund USFWS---Three Articles relevant to the LWCF and the NFWF Senators Wyden and Reid Planning 2013 Omnibus Federal LandsBill USFWS & USDOT---North Bank Lane Project Coos County Today---Sign the "NO Bandon Marsh Petition" USFWS---Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge American Policy Center---news on more Federal Land grabs The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation The US Forest Service Is Involved With Another Land Grab in Coos County “Coos County Today” Keep the Lights ON in Bandon Congress wants answers on Oregon farmer crackdown Land Acquisition Green Group Gets $2.4 Billion from BP Settlement RMP's for Western Oregon Urgent, Urgent, Urgent, House May Cave On LWCF. Call Now. NO BME | Info on HB2173Oregon Live Track a Bill Link to the State Website Link to the page on the State Legislature’s website Link to the wording of the bill HB2173 Below is the Committee and its member for the two wetland bills. These committee members need letters from you supporting the legislation and your story. SB 338: Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee Sen. Jackie Dingfelder, Chair [email protected] Sen. Alan Olsen, Vice-Chair [email protected] Sen. Mark Haas [email protected] Sen. Alan Bates [email protected] Sen. Bill Hansell [email protected] Also I would recommend you send your letters to: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] I also checked to see if there was a venue to email all legislators at once without typing them and there is not. I checked this afternoon with our OFBF lobbyist. You can go on-line and get the list of 2013 legislators. Here are some others that need emails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HB2173 has gone to the House Land Use Committee. Chair Brian Clem signed onto this bill. Special "thank you" to Rep. Clem who was raised in Coos County. Rep. Brian Clem, Chair [email protected] Rep. Lew Frederick, V-Chair [email protected] Rep. Kevin Cameron, V-Chair [email protected] Rep. John Davis [email protected] Rep. Paul Holvey [email protected] Rep. Kim Thatcher [email protected] Ben Unger [email protected] |