June 5, 2012
On Wednesday May 30, 2012 the Bureau of Land Management held a public meeting to get comments and suggestions for the bureau’s process of revising Resource Management Plans (RMP) for 2.5 million acres of forested lands across six of the bureau’s Districts in western Oregon.
It is the latest in an effort by the Department of Interior to use one of its agencies to expand the level of control of the Dept. over the individual states. The Department’s motive is to eventually seize the natural resources of the country and exploit those resources for their own purposes---all to the detriment of the states.
The bureau will call for public input, but most of the decisions seem to have already been made in D.C. The
public has to contact the 23 Members of the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests & Public Lands and let them know you are concerned with these latest actions. The website for this subcommittee is These members of congress control the purse strings for the budget of The Department of Interior and they must be told to stop allocating money to fund these studies and more land acquisitions. This is the same subcommittee that controls the funding of the US Fish & Wildlife Service, which is in the process of moving forward with the Bandon Marsh Expansion, among other land grabs in Oregon.
It is equally important for people to contact The Bureau by June 7, 2012 when the public scoping period ends. After that time The B.L.M. will move forward with these Resource Management Plans making it more difficult to stop the process once started.
People can submit comments concerning the Western Oregon RMPs/EIS by mail, email or faxing:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 503-808-6333
P.O. Box 2965,
Portland, Oregon 97208
Remember it was the USDA in conjunction with The Bureau of Land Management that implemented The Northwest Forest Plan in 1994. The plan was created to guarantee the recovery of the northern spotted owl. The plan allocated only 15 percent of the 24.5 million acres of federal land to multiple use management and set aside 85 percent for special uses. The reduction in manageable land lowered the amount of timber available annually from 4.5 billion to 1.1 billion board feet. In addition, less than 40 percent of the projected 1.1 billion was ever made available for harvest, which led to the closure of 261 mills supporting at least 50,000 jobs in Washington, Oregon and California. The Bureau is a job killer
Taking those facts into consideration here are my suggestions for The Bureau of Land Management’s Resource Management Plans:
Stop wasting tax dollars on useless studies designed to put up barriers between the tax-paying
and public property.
Stop wasting public resources on any resource management plan or “RMP.”
Stop any study or plan to increase the habitat of any creature other than humans.
Stop putting the needs of wildlife over the survival of humans.
Stop expanding the bureau’s area, domain, protection zone, space, territory, or sphere of influence in Coos County and the state of Oregon.
The Bureau should return all the public land within state lines to the respective county’s Board of Commissioners.
The Bureau of Land Management is an antiquated, obsolete, over bloated agency and should be eliminated by the US Congress.
The Department Of Interior is an abusive authority driven by ideological environmental extremism and should be swiftly & severely defunded by the US Congress, until the agency’s main purpose of existence is to serve the people and only people of the United States.
Secretary of State Ken Salazar should be fired for his insubordination to the people he serves and the
subversion of the US Constitution.
These are just a few of my suggestions for The Bureau, so feel free to pick and choose the ones you like or submit your own. Whatever you choose to do, please do not miss this opportunity to voice your opinion. There are very few times when it is absolutely necessary.
“Rob Taylor was the original organizer of the TEA Parties in Coos County and is currently an independent activist working to promote the rights of the individual.”
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