I have been traveling to Bandon every summer for over 15 years...I have never been eaten alive like I was this past week. It is awful. I had to leave early, dismiss many of the usual outdoor activities I have enjoyed in the past. I have 12 large welt bites still that are obnoxious...itching like crazy, ugly and of much discomfort. I am 60....we are afraid of West Nile at my age.....
I will not return until the problem is solved....Bandon Dunes golf course is handing out mosquito kits to golfers. OMG...for an area that has no industry but tourism, this mosquito invasion is a disaster.
Good luck !!
Linda DePaolo
12409 W Morning Vista Ln
Peoria Az 85383
My Warm Regards,
Linda D
I live over on Prosper rd. The Mosquitos are ridiculous. Something has to be done now. I hope it doesn't take a person to get deathly ill for something to be done. There is no doubt this is because of the marsh expansion. Why did we expand it in the first place. Who is the responsible party? They need to be held accountable. They have ruined Bandon, and they need to correct the problem now, or we will file a class action law suit to reverse
the expansion. This is serious matter. We will not let a marsh ruin our town. Enough is enough.
I am on Tom Smith Rd. off Prosper, past 2 months are absolutely outrageous with man eating monster mosquitos. They chase you, bite thru clothes, no spray works, no outside lite rids them, no bug spray, lawn spray we in this area have bought it all-----lots of $$$$. I have lived in this house 20 yrs., in Bandon all life, never ever seen this breed of mosquito. No problem until the unneeded marsh went in. Company has came and went from out of town, we could not even be outside---bites all over, Chase you in house, car is smeared with mosquitos.
If I can figure a way to bottle a bunch and bring to someone who thinks they are just a mosquito--and let them go--------------------------------!!!
Something needs to be done. They quit the aerial spray 3 yrs ago--------------------why?????
Letter to Mr. Lowe of the USFWS about the Bandon Marsh Mosquitoe Problem
Department of Interior---Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations AKA The Coquilles
USFWS---Bandon Marsh Expansion Meeting Friday August 30, 2013
OPRD---Bandon Dunes Exchange Proposal Meeting August 16, 2013
Fishing Alert---The State is forcing a reduction in certain fish populations, Why?
USFS---Federal land buries rural economies in WA & OR
ODFW---A bright outlook for ocean salmon seasons
EPA---Victims of Government: The Case of Steve Lathrop, Sounds Fimiliar
Action Alert:---State Legislation HB2173---Updated 3/13/2013
Congressman Peter DeFazio & The Land and Water Conservation Fund
USFWS---Three Articles relevant to the LWCF and the NFWF
Senators Wyden and Reid Planning 2013 Omnibus Federal Lands Bill
USFWS & USDOT---North Bank Lane Project
Coos County Today---Sign the "NO Bandon Marsh Petition"
USFWS---Oregon Islands National Wildlife Refuge
American Policy Center---news on more Federal Land grabs
The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
The US Forest Service Is Involved With Another Land Grab in Coos County
“Coos County Today”
Keep the Lights ON in Bandon
Congress wants answers on Oregon farmer crackdown
Land Acquisition Green Group Gets $2.4 Billion from BP Settlement
RMP's for Western Oregon
Urgent, Urgent, Urgent, House May Cave On LWCF. Call Now.