The following news story tells of one poor Portland neighborhood struggling to pay for a rich Portland neighborhood. Part of the problem is the artificial gentrification that is caused by Urban Renewal districts as well. URA takes money from taxing districts in these areas and infuses that money into other areas, causing aberrations in the market and with the tax system, which are exemplified with these types of inequities...Rob T.
Similar properties, unequal taxes
When Jean DeMaster sold her Hollywood district home and bought a cheaper house in East Portland, her first property tax bill was a shocker. The new house cost $50,000 less, but property taxes were $600 more. It turns out that residents east of 82nd Avenue, like DeMaster, routinely pay more property taxes than their counterparts in Southeast, Northeast and North Portland for similarly priced homes. East Portland residents often pay double, triple or four times as much.
82nd Avenue has long been considered an invisible dividing line, a psychological barrier that denotes less-desirable communities to the east. Now, new research by a suburban Portland fire district shows that 82nd Avenue is a demarcation line for property tax disparities as well.
Urban Renewal gone bad---read the stories
Coos Bay---New Information added to the Visitor's Center page...
Coos Bay---What's a measly $120,000 to $180,000 over 6 years, eh?
Coos Bay---Just a "Slight" Conflict of Interest Here. Or did ANYONE notice?
Coos Bay---Padding City of Coos Bay Salaries With Urban Renewal Tax Dollars
See the Cash Cow of Coos Bay----Hear it eat your money---The Coos Bay URA
Coos Bay Urban Renewal Minutes from 1/2/2000 to 5/15/2012 as shown
Must See Documentary---"Battle for Brooklyn"
Vote NO Bandon Pool!
A Photo Inquiry Into The Egyptian Theatre and Complete Fiscal Incompetence In Coos Bay Oregon
Here is a good Example of Bad Planning and Density Control....
Email Alert from a Watchdog in Myrtle Point
MGX---ORC, does it still get its enterprise zone exemptions???
Silent victory over Urban Renewal in Coos County
BOC Watch...Aug 14 & 15, 2012
Jon Barton of the South Coast Development Council
Face Rock Creamery----Groundbreaking Ceremony Date Changed
Bandon: The City of Ordinances
SOS OR Counties 2012 Financial Condidtion Review 2012-17
BOC Meeting discussing Governance Advisory Committee
Urban Renewal Initiative